Our Story

Inspired by the success of NET Ministries which began in Minnesota, USA in 1981, our Chaplain, Canon Jim Duggan invited a small team of missionaries to Scotland in 2013. From the start it was clear that there was a demand for this peer to peer youth ministry and that it was changing young people’s lives.

In 2017, John Jackson took on the role of Director. Over the past 7 years he has overseen the powerful growth of NET Scotland in ministry and personnel.

Our Growth

In 2020 when the COVID pandemic altered all of our lives, we quickly adapted our ministry. We developed a new model called Chaplaincy Team Support which ensured our missionaries were able to support as many young people as possible at a challenging time.  This new immersive four-week model was so successful during covid that we continue to offer this as a form of ministry as well as our Day Retreats. 

To date, 15 NET teams comprising of 144 missionaries, have shared the Gospel with over 60,000 young people in schools and parishes throughout Scotland, and England.

Our Vision

Our ambition is that every young Catholic will have an opportunity to encounter NET Scotland. And, that working in partnership with the clergy and schools, together we will inspire many more young people in their faith.